Friday, March 5, 2010

SHIKAPOLIS model sheets.

Yoz, been awhile since I last posted something. After spending 2 weeks in Japan I pretty much played 'catch-up' for the rest of the semester. Admittedly most assignments I submitted were either too rushed or incomplete, so the GPA took a slight hit this mid-term.

Thanks to Keedo I suddenly remembered I have an art blog to update, so here's a few decent pieces for show:

(A noir Chicago gangster take on Greeks mythology.)

Villain/Anti-hero(Evil Hercules)
model sheet for animation project.

Prop/weapon (a modern take on Hercules's club)
model sheet for villain.

Pencil clean-up of the villain.

Creature (A religious 'Fire-breathing-God-of-Death')
model sheet.

Spring break is coming up, so its time to get some exercise and sleep!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

No Rest for the Wicked

Its 5:55am, working overtime and overnight in Digipen just like the yesteryear.
Here's some WIP materials for the final leg of this messed up semester.

FREAK: The Purge Carnival

Final project for Dilip, assignment is to digitally paint a game poster featuring a person(s).
As a noob painter, I relied heavily on references for this run; the individual's portrait is based on that fat dude from LOST, the shotgun and bullets are painted from references too. Everything else, the clown make-up, the curtains, etc are filled in later. Lighting (and most of the theme) is inspired by the INFERNAL PARADE horror toys collection and Max Payne 3 poster.
Special thanks to Dilip for the demo, Amanda as the 'eye-lip' specialist, and Lin for the awesome blood brushes. Will probably work more on it when this semester's done...if there's still time.

A penny for a shot?


BIO final project with the objective of creating a mystical creature based on realistic animal anatomies. I went for a hybrid between the largest land and sea creatures ( a whale and an elephant to be specific) and came up with something very strange... Its like an elephant centaur but with a whale's body? Had to modify the elephant features into a more aquatic appearance by order from Calvin Tan. Its a fun project, but a hard b****h to design.

MERMAMONT line-art.

Now onto the other stuff...!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A painting (in this case a cell-shading) assignment based on a pirate theme.

Inspired by the INVINCIBLE comics, this graphical style of coloring is simple, sweet...and more importantly, FAST!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bob the Alien

Had to submit a 3d render for an in-class competition, so I took Bob and gave him a scene for an extra dose of substance.

I should have Bob introducing a human instead...!

A simple character blueprint of Alien Bob...
(someday he'll get a Death Ray gun if my 3d gets better!)

Probably my favorite 3d assignment thus far.
Thanks for the memories Bob!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Zen Semester

This semester, in terms of events beyond the academic realm, is probably the most uneventful semester I ever had.

Some insisted it's a blessing: an educational journey untainted by emotional distractions.
Nothing but a period of pure hardwork and concentration on studies, a transfiguration to be one with the 2d and 3d realm, a humble step closer to the animation Nirvana, a pilgrimage to the holy grail of creative passion, a divine resurrection of the materialistic sacrifices at the alter of hardcore studying...

But at times I question if its worth it sometim
Dedicating yourself wholly to the crafts of the design industry in both fear (of unemployment) and awe (of being as good as your concept artist idols), I do admit I miss living the life for someone (yes, cheesy but I don't care)...

Haha, Keedo's right about me, I'm bound to end up whining on the blog like I used to.
But nevertheless it's still an art blog, so art there shall be!

As most of my fellow DMD comrades would know, my 3d has always been my weakest link, so this semester I worked my ass off trying to get it up to par. Here's some noob examples of CG201, Introduction to 3D:

1. Simple composition with basic objects and texturing.

2. 12-sided dice with different basic shaders.

3. Daylight system on metallic chess pieces (love the reflection, lolz!)

Hopefully if I have the time, I'll post more personalized 2d stuff and the summer claymation animation (delayed due to its large file size).

Alright, now back to the wacom...Till then!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sculptured Throne Room- A Summer Project!

A month before school started Sean, Sarah and I came about to design and construct a physical game level based on a monster designed by the lecturers from Digipen.
I'm way too lazy to brag about the technical details on how we went about doing it, so I'll let the pictures showcase the historic trail.

Initiation: Bad-ass monster design by lecturers

Stage 1: Concept art for level design

Stage 2: Mock-up model

Stage 3: Sculpt sections of mock-up model with clay...

Stage 4: ...and bake!

Personally I'm more of a artist/drawer rather then a craftsman, so I learnt much from both Sean and Sarah during this summer project.
Hope ya guys enjoy the memories!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Renewing Creative License

Inspired by 'The Creative License' by Danny Gregory back in the early 08's, I started a Design Journal that lasted me till my enrollment into Digipen in Sept '09. Hopefully I'll get it back up and running once again when the semester starts...if the animation or 3D doesn't kill me first.

Just uploaded William O'Connor (illustrator from Wizard of the Coast) link into the Artist Blog section, so check it out!